Mistress Gaia likes to punish a slave once for a particular mistake and make it so painful that he or she will never repeat what he or she was being punished for. She called her friend and together, they tied this slave and made him kneel down before they rained hard slaps on his face and left it all red and in pain. He never repeated what they punished him for.
Mistresses Teodora, Candy and Sofia wanted to punish this guy for giving them bad advice on investments. They knew they would not get their money back but they wanted to make sure he was punished for it. They slapped the crap out of him and made sure he felt as much pain as they wanted him to feel. They even made him their slave for a year to pay for their investment.
This mistress was pissed that this loser thought she was a prostitute. She got mad and had to punish him. She made the guy think she wanted to do certain naughty things with him but she turned it round and made sure that she humiliated him and punished him for it. She slapped him hard severally that she left him in not only pain, but she also left him with a red face.
Mistress Gaia likes her instructions followed to the letter. This guy thought he knew better and decided to do somethings the way he wanted it and different from what she had told him. She was pissed and had to put an end to it. So she made the slave kneel down and she slapped the crap out of his face. She left him all red faced and in pain before letting him go.
It is bad enough to be slapped and brutally so by one mistress. But this slave had the unfortunate distinction of being slapped and tortured by mistresses Maddy, Bonny and Renee. They slapped him hard and had fun trying to see who would slap him harder. His face was red and in pain but they did not care. They were having fun and for them, that is all that mattered.
Mistresses Candy and Teodora found out that this guy was playing them. But instead of turning on each other, they turned on him. They made him regret the day he met them. They made him regret ever playing them. They met him at his house and slapped the shit out of him. They took turns to slap him and by the time they were done with him, he wished he was dead.
Mistresses Aqua and Bea were conned by this guy. He thought he was smart and they would never catch him. But they eventually did and he lived to regret even conning them. They tortured and humiliated him by slapping him brutally. They made him refund what he took from them plus interest. They only stopped slapping him when they were all tired and he was red faced and in a lot of pain.
Mistresses Bonny and Maddy wanted this guy to give them some information but he refused. They tried many ways to get the information from him but he somehow refused. The mistresses got pissed off and made him pay for refusing to give them the info they wanted. They slapped him brutally and painfully that he gave them more information than they wanted from him. But they continued slapping him anyway for wasting their time.
Mistress Natasha likes slapping but she did not want to do it with her hands today. So she pondered what to do as she called her slave to her bedroom. She made him sit down and face him and she removed her shoes. She used the shoes to slap the shit out of her slave. It was better than using her hands as it was a harder surface that she used to slap him with.
Mistresses Teodora, Maddy, Meg and Britney were having a girls night out. They decided to make it a little more interesting by bringing a slave. They got one and enjoyed doing lots of cruel and painful things to him. But what they enjoyed most was slapping him. Within a few minutes, his face was all red and he was in lots of pain. But he tried to brave it so as not to give them an excuse to punish him further.